創業江戸寛政年間、小嶋商店は、 竹割から紙貼りまで一貫した手作業で 頑丈で無骨な小嶋式提灯を生み出します。 江戸時代から代々伝わる伝統製法をベースに、 「素材やフォルム、空間」と「提灯」との 関係性を模索し、 提灯が生み出す新たな景色を創造し、 未来に小嶋式提灯を伝承します。
Pursuing possibility for new tradition adopting time.
Kojima Shouten Inc., begun its operation in the period of 1789-1801, Edo era , generates strong Kojima style Japanese lantern, which all process is done by handmade from splitting bamboo until, painting on lantern. On the basis of traditional manufacturing method, Kojima shouten Inc. will creates new special scenery by our lantern and hand the precious tradition to next generation by seeking relationship among lantern and materials from nature, which is washi paper, bamboo and wheat glue.